good for people good for earth FOOTWEAR!
Sustainable, Organic, Eco-Friendly & Highly Beneficial For Your Feet.

Cork bark is renewable and recyclable. It is lovingly harvested from cork oak tree and in turn the tree shows its appreciation by living longer.

Cork, with wear, will mold to your feet creating a custom fit just for you. It is a perfect material for maintaining proper arch support and foot alignment.

Cork provides support throughout a long walking day and is recognized by the orthopedic shoe manufacturers and specialists as the best product to maintain feet and body healthy.

ODOR RESISTANT - Cork is a moisture-wicking material. As a result, any shoe using a cork insole or wedge will naturally be relatively odor-free just from normal use.

WALKING COMFORT - The elasticity of cork offers a low impact transference to your ankles, shins and knees, reducing joint stress. Cork and its shock absorption capacity, is able to hold the heel and foot in an orthopedically correct position.

THERMAL CONTROL - Due to very low thermal conductivity, cork is very comfortable all-year round. So feel free to roam in them in any season, temperature and your desire for a good, comfortable walk.
JUST keepING it clean folks

Customer love
Sustainability Pledge
It is our responsibility to always seek and consciously pursue a better way to source and manufacture our footwear. It's not just a goal, but a way we evolve business for people and our environment.